attendance policy
Any person receiving massage from B Revitalised Massage, whether In Studio, In Home or In Office does so subject to the terms and conditions of this policy and protocol and constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions.
1. Zero tolerance of in appropriate behaviour
B Revitalised Massage has a zero tolerance policy on inappropriate conduct, offensive behaviour and sexual overtones or conduct.
Clients are expected at all times to behave with courtesy and respect. The standards set out in this policy will in no way be compromised. Any breach of any of these provisions by a client or any person receiving massage from B Revitalised Massage may lead to the client/person being asked to leave the Studio or for the Therapist to vacate the mobile/office location immediately, at the sole discretion of B Revitalised Massage.
The following are prohibited in all B Revitalised Massage settings: inappropriate, offensive or sexual behaviour including without limitation sexual overtones, innuendo or suggestion. What constitutes inappropriate, offensive or sexual behaviour is the sole decision of B Revitalised Massage and at its absolute discretion.
B Revitalised Massage shall at all times reserve the right to report any inappropriate behaviour which could be construed as an offence, to the Police or other appropriate regulatory authorities and need not provide notice to the client of having done so.
2. No medical advice or treatment
B Revitalised Massage not qualified to give medical advice, diagnosis or medically registered treatment, and treatment from B Revitalised Massage is in no way a replacement for or alternative to medical treatment or care. Medical advice and/or treatment should be sought from a registered medical practitioner for any symptoms requiring medical care.
No claims are made that any such treatment will assist or support the recipient. Clients that receive treatment do so at their own discretion and risk. Signed consent to treatment is required before any treatment can be given.
Any person receiving treatment at any B Revitalised Massage setting, does so subject to the terms and conditions of this policy and protocol and constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions.
3. Safe practices standards
Clients requesting to receive treatment from B Revitalised Massage must ensure they present in a clean (freshly showered) and hygienic manner for treatment, ensuring any broken or irritated skin is covered and advise their practitioner on arrival of any massage contraindications including, without limitation, broken or irritated skin so that the area/s can be avoided. For other contraindications please see our consent form, available on our website. The above are part of B Revitalised Massage safe practices standards, which apply in all settings – In Studio, In Home or In Office.
If you are feeling unwell, have a fever, or exhibit any symptoms of illness, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment.
Please note that if the safe practices standards above are not met, B Revitalised Massage will be unable to provide a massage treatment to the client on the day of treatment. We thank clients for attending to the required standards, which are part of the professional service provided by B Revitalised Massage.
4. Cancellations
B Revitalised Massage committed to providing exceptional care. Unfortunately, when one client cancels an appointment without giving enough notice, they prevent another client from being seen. Please call or text on 0447 659 029 or email by 2:00pm on the day prior to your scheduled appointment to notify us of any changes or cancellations. To cancel a Monday appointment, please call our office by 2:00pm on Friday. If prior notification is not given you will be required to pay for your next treatment upfront in full upon booking.